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Wine Diary

Cool spring - good for vines!

March 19, 2021

It is cold, windy and the clouds now and then pour some showers of rain and sleet over the Kamptal vineyards. It is exactly the weather that pleases us for the time being! After almost two cool weeks, we anticipate sprouting to be delayed for maybe a week, which means it will not start before the end of April. This significantly reduces the risk of late frost damage. Moreover, the moisture is absorbed and will help vegetation.

Currently, inter alia (see entry from the 5th of March), we are busy with mulching the old plant growth that still lies between the vines. The mulch will contribute to soil fertility.

This cool period may still linger for a little while. However, we are looking forward to the sunny, warmer times, when the ground cover, already sown in Autumn, will grow, the gardens will blossom and the beauty of our wine country in Spring will attract many visitors to the Kamptal.