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Wine Diary

From Heiligenstein to Steinmassel

September 29, 2017

Yesterday and the day before our first Riesling grapes from “Heiligenstein” have been harvested. What arrived to the cellar looked and tasted great, a real gratification! A severe selection had been necessary to achieve these perfectly ripe and healthy grapes with such playful acidity.

As far as the Rieslings from the LYRA-trellies are concerned, we still gamble a bit, waiting although ripeness has marched on within the last days.

Today we enjoy perfect weather conditions and all our harvest team is engaged on “Steinmassel vineyard” in order to get the Riesling grapes of this mica schist marked site safely home. On the cap of this hill most of the vines are also planted in Lyra-system and also there we will meticulously separate clean from noble rot affected berries so that we may hopefully look forward again to a precise Riesling with delicate fruit clear-as-a-bell.

There was a premiere this week at Bründlmayers: Vincent installed his first two “Quevris“ into the ground of our cellar vineyard. It is still a little secret what will slumber in this unique earthenware. However this seems to guarantee a thrilling development of Vincents future wines!

On Sunday we plan to do the idyllically situated “Berg Vogelsang” and the “Loiser Berg” if the weather god means well! The forecast look more than just good!