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Wine Diary

A Little Pre-Harvest Party

September 2, 2022

International Support!

All our trainees have arrived and are already helping with the final harvest preparations. A truly international, small bunch of people has been invited to join Bründlmayers team during this most dramatic period of a grower’s year. Austria, Germany, Portugal, South Africa and New Zealand are the countries of origin of those young people willing to learn and work at the winery for the crush period (see below from left to right: Juan (PT), Leopold (AT), Ruari (NZ), Ziyanda (SA), Tristan (DE)).

The family and all our crew welcomed them last Wednesday at our little ‘Pre- Harvest Barbecue.’ Christoph & Christopher have again proven their skills as grill-masters, and apart from our grape juice and our new “Grapester (non alcoholic) Green Fizz,” we selected a quite thrilling line up of partly matured wines from some renowned colleagues.

We hope to sit again together in the same mood after harvest; healthy, happy and hopefully satisfied with the results! Now, over the weekend, let us take a deep breath. Next week, we will ‘gently’ start picking grapes for the base wines of our Bründlmayer Brut.